Thursday, March 28, 2013

5 Most Dangerous Countries in 2014

On seeing the list of the most dangerous countries in 2013, you will be able to grasp the harsh realities of the modern world. Just imagine the lives of those people who live in these countries and then imagine yourself enjoying the comforts of life in your safe and sound homes. The death rate in these regions is really high that even all the countries combined cannot meet the number of deaths that take place in these countries. The element which is common in the deaths of the people in these areas is modern warfare. With the development and advancements made in the weaponry, the worth of human life has been leveled down. On one side we see the economic recovery of the first world countries and on the other hand we see these countries that are still struggling for their right to exist. In reality, there are numerous reasons for the havoc and chaos that is visible in these regions of the world. Whether it be the devastating bomb blasts in Pakistan or the use of chemical weaponry in Syria, the only one to suffer here are the citizens of these countries. What is the solution to these problems? No one has any solution to these issues, as with the development of more and more weapons and with some countries usurping the rights of other people, innocent human beings will keep on dying. In the movies like independence day, 2012 and many others, it is depicted in the end that there comes a time when the world transforms into a one nation, bound and linked with the bonds we all have in one common i.e. humanity. The one thing we all need to understand is the fact that in order to control the havoc and destruction that is visible all over the world, we should start respecting each other. Killing other people on the basis of the difference in religious point of views, in the ways of life or on other basis, is a testament of our brutal realities. Here are the 5 most dangerous countries in the world.
5. Somalia
On seeing the natural beauty of the region, we can have an idea about the eternal beauty that lies waxed in its tourist destinations and hot spots. But unfortunately, due to the political instability of the region and the problems of drug trafficking, weapons and all other activities have put an end to the safety of the people who live in this country. There are a number of militant groups that are functional in the country, all of which can be termed be the ones responsible for the killings of the innocent people. Moreover, on a regular basis, you will also get to hear about the foreign hostages that are killed by the Al-Shabaab group.
4. South Africa
This country can be termed to be the haven for the criminals. Moreover, the country is also known to be the capital of the world when it comes to rapes. At the same time, the murder rate in the country is also quite high, thus forcing the tourists to reconsider their travel plans. Most of the tourists who travel to the region also prefer to hire some protection for themselves. There are also a number of gated communities in the region who use the services of a number of armed men in order to live with safety. The profession of farming in the country is also getting more and more dangerous, as a number of the farmers are killed on a daily basis. There is no doubt about the natural beauty and the enamoring wild life which the country has, but it is best to be wary while travelling to South Africa.
3. Brazil
Although the economy of the country is progressing and now stands among the fastest growing economies in South America. Street crime is a quite high in the streets of Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, incidences of robbery, murder and rape are also high in the country. The crime in the country involved an elevated occurrence of violent and a number of non-violent crimes.  It is also among the top 20 countries in terms of the international homicide rate. Organized crime also remains a major problem in the country, especially for the tourists.
2. Afghanistan
Here we have a country whose militant groups have threatened the existence of all humanity. The Al-Qaeda group of region, which claims to be the liberator of Islam, is the one that is the cause for all forms of terrorism in Asia. Most of the killings that take place in the neighboring country Pakistan is also linked to the terrorist activities of this group. The war on terror that had been initiated against the country is also not turning out to be so good, as most of the allied forces have agreed to evacuate the area in the near future. What would become of the nation, nobody knows. Chopping innocent men and women is not something uncommon or unusual in the country. More than 2000 US soldiers and officials have died in the region, but there is no account of the deaths of the locals. The role of Pakistan in bringing down the power of the Taliban can also not be denied. Thousands of Pakistani policemen and army men have given their lives just to prove to the world that we are not terrorists, but the world still remains skeptic towards them. Using the name of Islam, the Taliban just want to fulfill their own selfish demands. Killing Shia Muslims and other minorities is their prime goal. What’s more unfortunate is the fact that there are people who openly support the activities of these groups.
1. Iraq
There is no other country that can be termed to be the most dangerous, than Iraq. What is presently happening in Syria is nowhere near to what Iraq has gone through in the past decade. The Haditha Killings and the notorious Emo killings are just fragments of the inhumane acts that have been carried out in Iraq. All around the country you are going to find a families who have lost at least 1 individual. The incidence of the bomb blasts and the use of small scale chemical weapons is also quite common. Although the official statistics always differ, but there is no hiding of the reality when it comes to the violent and beastly acts that have been carried out in Iraq.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Top 10 Signs Tells You’re Addicted To Facebook

If your friends and family joke that you’re addicted to Facebook, they may be right.
Here, we’ve listed 10 of the most common signs of Facebook addiction (humor). We are thankful to buzzfeed for providing this Addicted to Facebook Signs Pictures.

You start becoming desperate for likes

You try to be really deep

You try to use it to buy drugs

You put way too much effort into taking a profile picture

You think paranormal things are starting to happen

You start to lose your mind

You start treating it like a diary

You lose your ability to spell

You think making statuses is more helpful than going outside

Monday, July 16, 2012

Top 10 toughest games

Think you're good at games? Sure you do. Who doesn't? The only thing gamers love more than playing is bragging about their skills.
If you can brag about beating all 10 of these terrors, however, you're in a league of your own.
It's one thing to be able to bust out a decent score at Bejeweled or dominate a Call of Duty match, but quite another to finish this set of video gaming's most challenging releases. Some are new, some are old, and some are somewhere in between. But they have one thing in common: they're all so hard they'll make your thumbs bleed. Grab a box of Band-Aids, and read on.

At first glance, you could be forgiven for mistaking the stars of this NES hit for a certain other group of combative, anthropomorphic amphibians who were popular around the same time.
Presumably developer Rare decided the best way to differentiate their game from its Teenage Mutant inspiration was to make it eye-poppingly, controller-throwingly, brain-meltingly difficult. And don't think you'll make life easier by tackling it with a friend -- Battletoad's two-player co-operative mode makes the game harder still, because with just one mistimed attack you can kill your partner and have to start over. More than two decades after its release, it's still widely recognized as one of the hardest -- if not the hardest -- games ever made.

PC/Flash, 2008

You probably think running is easy. After all, you learned to do it when you were two or three years old. Spend a bit of time playing the epically challenging flash game QWOP, though, and you'll walk away with a new appreciation for the complications of just moving your legs. A simple game with just four buttons -- one for each thigh, and one for each calf -- QWOP tasks you to run a hundred meters, but it'll take you many tries before you can even get off the line without winding up in a tangled heap.
Demon's Souls
PS3, 2009
Dark, deep, and with a vicious streak a mile wide, action-heavy role-playing game Demon's Souls (along with its 2011 sequel, Dark Souls) easily ranks as one of the hardest releases of the last few years. It's not just its overall difficulty that makes this such a beast, though: the game seems to delight in watching you die. Which you will do. A lot. Weirder still, you'll keep coming back for more, because while it's a serious grind, it's also a seriously good game.

NES, 1987
Classic side-scrolling shooter Contra holds a special place in the hearts of countless gamers of what, for the sake of sensitivity, we'll call "a certain age." Released in the late 80s amid the heady heyday of video game arcades and the NES, Contra's simultaneous two-player mode was a real novelty at the time -- and its grueling difficulty level meant that if you and a pal could complete the whole thing, you'd be chums for life. There's nothing like shared adversity to build friendship.

The Oregon Trail
Various, 1974-1985
Bane of many a fifth-grader, The Oregon Trail was one of the first educational video games to start showing up in schools during the 1970s. Intended to teach us about the harsh realities of life as a pioneer in the 1800's, it mainly taught us that the road out west is littered with corpses.
Between dysentery, cholera, exhaustion, snakes, drowning, and countless other hazards, the chances of any given member of your party making it to the end of your journey from sea to shining sea were pretty darn slim. Doubtless life as a real-life Old West pioneer wasn't all beer and Skittles, but there's no way it was as tough as it is in The Oregon Trail.

The Heist
iOS, 2011
Beautiful, creative, and so difficult it will make you weep, iOS puzzler The Heist is well worth the mental gymnastics it'll take you to make it to the end. Why? Because there's a prize. Not a dumb screen saying "Thank you, but our princess is in another castle," but a genuine, for-real, worth-actual-money sort of prize. What is it? That'd be telling. Play the game and find out -- if you don't tear your hair out first.

Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels
Famicom, 1986

Mario is as big as it gets with Western audiences, but this 1986 follow-up to Super Mario Bros., which was initially released in Japan as Super Mario Bros. 2, would never be released in the U.S. on the NES.
Why? Because Nintendo thought it was too difficult for Western audiences. And perhaps they were right, because it's a platforming nightmare. If you think you're up to the challenge, however, you can find the game as a 600-point download on the Wii's Virtual Console or on the Super Mario All-Stars compilation.

Trials HD
Xbox Live Arcade, 2009
Ever wondered what it's like to be a motorcycle trials rider? Frustration after frustration after frustration, if this Xbox Live Arcade smash — or its recent sequel Trials: Evolution -- is anything to go by.
We'd normally praise Trials HD for its clear objectives and dialed-in controls, but here it just makes things worse: you can always see where you're meant to be, and your bike does what you tell it to do. When you fail, you have nobody to blame but yourself. And just to add insult to injury, the game will be only too happy to tell you how much better your online friends are than you.

Ghosts 'n Goblins 
Arcade/NES, 1985
When Sir Arthur, star of classic arcade platformer Ghosts 'n Goblins, takes a hit, his armor disappears, leaving the unfortunate knight skipping around nothing but his heart-print boxers. Tee hee! Unfortunately, the ensuing childish grin was soon wiped off the faces of most players when they realized said boxers were now the only thing between them and the relentless hordes of the living dead. And boy, are there ever a lot of them. Originally an arcade game, it was widely converted to home platforms -- and if you fancy a challenge, it's on the Wii's Virtual Console service.

I Wanna Be The Guy
Flash, 2007
Do you wanna be the guy? Of course you do. Everybody wants to be the guy. Trouble is, being the guy ain't easy -- as this celebrated freeware game aptly demonstrates.
Clad in the mantle of a classic 8-bit adventure game, IWBTG will amuse you with its slew of homages to and in-jokes from all kinds of classic games. And then it'll push you to the floor, steal your lunch money, and give you a good, old-fashioned, 8-bit butt-kicking. Not only are you not the guy, you probably aren't even fit to shine his shoes.